......that it takes exactly 168 hours for a cute little pink Motorola Razor to completely dry out after being dropped into the toilet?
Fortunately, once dried, all contacts and Zuma high scores are saved.
Our world is amazing. Ben and I were talking yesterday about how spoiled we are now as a society. When we want to speak with anyone, we can do so immediately. One cell phone call away.
When Ben & I started dating, I would speak to him on the kitchen phone that had a 20 foot cord attached to it. At that time, cordless home phones were extremely rare and we were not among the fortunate that owned one. I would stretch that white coiled cord as far as it could possibly reach in order to steal a private moment with my BF.
After we were married, my father-in-law bought a new contraption. A very large black brick. He called it a cellular phone. I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded outlandish. And why in the world would he need one? What a novelty.
Last Friday, I accidentally left my cell phone at home. The day was extremely inconvenient because of that mishap.
Oh how things change.
How do you think we'll communicate with others ten years from now?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Did you know.......
A Prose of
published at
1:28 PM
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I can't even function right with out my phone!
Whew! Thank goodness your phone was saved!
I bet we'll be able to have wireless phones transplanted into our ears so we can just think of the person and the call will be dialed. Or perhaps that will be the anti-Christ? :)
I can't imagine. Jasmynn picked out a hot pink bluetooth device. I'm so not ready to make this change, but, I don't want to hurt her feelings. So next time you see me, I will have a hot pink device hanging from my ear.
That's one reason why I refuse to get a cell phone. I don't want to have to retrieve it from the toilet. No, that wasn't it! I don't want to become attached to it, dependent on it. I know I will if I get one.
I think I'm doing well with my pay-as-you-go type of phone we purchased for emergencies.
I'm glad that your Zuma high scores were all saved. Oh, and your contacts data's probably pretty important,too!
Ever notice how difficult it is to find a pay phone nowadays? Yeah. I lost money when I invested in that a few years ago ;)
I, too, used an extension cord to try to get privacy on the phone. It wasn't until I was in college that my parents got a cordless. My best friend's mom had a cordless earlier. I was so excited to use that heavy, crackily device that seemed to always beep, needing to be recharged!
I don't remember the first time I saw a cell phone (or even heard of one), but it sure sounds like your father-in-law was ahead of the times! ;)
Whenever I leave mine accidentally I have to remind myself, that yes, people used to survive without them and yes, everything will be okay. I just don't want to be a slave to it - I don't want to have to answer it all the time. Sometimes I think they are annoying little contraptions.
I remember when my parents finally invested in a cordless phone. I was so excited. Then they went and burst my bubble and decided to limit the number of minutes I could talk on it a day. Dang it anyway - what a way to put a damper on a teenager's social life!
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