Ok, the votes are in.
For you type-A's out there, the tallies were: 5 votes for #1, 4 votes for #2, and 3 votes for #3. So I think it's safe to say that I am a talented liar, seeing as how the voting was so evenly spread. Quite a talent for a pastor's wife, eh?
So here's the facts:
1. I "enjoyed" my first taste of sushi while in San Francisco last week.
For those of you who are unaware, I HATE seafood. I realize that I grew up in Seattle, just minutes from the Pike Place Market so that should be illegal, but, hey, that's just how God made me. I do, however, like to practice what I preach. So, when having lunch with Gabby's friend, Paige, at Great America last week I realized that I had do just that. I had successfully coaxed Paige into trying her very first roller coaster--which she LOVED, by the way--so she challenged me to try my first roll of sushi. What else could I do? I popped that whole puppy--seaweed and all--right into my mouth, thought happy thoughts so as not to gag, and got it all down, confirming my belief that sushi is nasty. But at least now I know.
Note: the fact that "enjoyed" was in quotes was to signify sarcasm. That's how I roll.

2. I auditioned and was accepted into the Seattle Opera Chorus in 1992.
For three years, from 1991-1993, I focused mostly on classical and opera singing. I had auditioned for the Seattle Opera Chorus shortly before my high school graduation in 1992, hoping to sing with them during the summer before I was to start college. I sang the aria "O Mio Babbino Caro" from Puccini's Gianni Schicchi. After successfully auditioning and being invited to participate in the chorus, I began having problems with stress laryngitis. A doctor's visit revealed two cysts growing on my vocal chords and I was instructed to refrain from singing for the entire summer. It was devastating, but in order to be able to sing in college, I needed to abide, therefore sadly bidding the Seattle Opera arrivederci.
Here is a picture of me performing "Lusinghe piu Care" by Handel, in a 1992 vocal competition.
Ok, I admit, I was a little devious on this fact because I have, actually, had tea with a king and queen, just not the ones from Denmark.
Here I am with the King and Queen of Sweden in 1983. Can you figure out which one is me? Do you see the tea cup in Queen Sylvia's hands? Apparently, I had decided that my faux rabbit fur jacket would be appropriate to wear to this occasion.....with pig-tailed braids of course.
You have lived such a full life. I am always impressed with all the amazing things you have done and continue to do!
Hi Sharon, I'm doing as you asked and leaving a quick message since I have visited. I'll have to think about the truths & lie. I'll let you know when I figure them out :)
Dawn Woldhuis
Wait, how did you get to meet the king and queen of Sweden? More information please!
Whoo Hoo!! I was right!! Great post... and I love the Pippi hair :)
You are quite the little tricker:) How can you not like sushi rolls? Love them. You continue to surprise me with your adventurous life.
This is so funny!!!
You have lived a very full life!
When you come to visit me I will make sure I do not take you out for Sushi! :)
I really thought you were too busy being in love with Ben to try out for the opera. I'm proud of you, you didn't let boys get in the way of your dreams!
Sushi, I haven't tried it either, maybe I should do that with you sometime, when you come to Seattle. I could see us having a good laugh over that!
I love how you have pictures to prove any and everything you blog about. You are such fun and I miss you.
To funny!!!!
I will have to think up some of my own...hmmm.
Well I got one right! Thanks for the answers. Is it bad that I have been waiting for them? ha!
This comment has nothing to do with the crazy life you've crammed into 24 years ;)
Just wanted to let you know that I usually have my speakers turned off when I blog. I turned them on today and I must say, I dig your music choices! :)
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