Saturday, May 3, 2008

Two Truths and a Lie

How well do you know me?

Two Truths and a Lie is a fun game I like to play whenever I'm in a group of people that need to get to know one another a little better, such as a pool of jurors or a rambunctious group of teenagers.

Following, you will find three facts about me. Two of them are completely real and honest. One of them, however, is a total lie. It is your job to spot the deception.

Seeing that I have revealed quite a bit about myself in these prose, I will need to reach deep into the depths of Sharon trivia in order to stump you.

Good luck!

1. I "enjoyed" my first taste of sushi while in San Francisco last week.

2. I auditioned and was accepted into the Seattle Opera Chorus in 1992.

3. I have met and had tea with the King and Queen of Denmark.

Get your votes in, then try this out on your blog and see how well we all know you!


AngieG said...

I vote for #1 as the lie. Not sure why - just a hunch.

Lara said...

I choose #3 = ) If you did that would be amazing and you'll have to tell that story.

Anonymous said...

I also vote that #1 is the lie. You may indeed have tried Sushi for the first time in SF - but my guess is that you did not like it - thus making it a lie. #2 is totally true because you sing and are from Seattle? The tea with royalty thing happened when you were traveling in Africa?.... am I close? Fun to guess - good one Rosey Posey! Lori E.

Valerie of Momia said...

#2 is the lie. It's really just a guess based on the fact that I don't think you sing opera! Or...were you classically trained? Hmmm...Now I'm not so sure.

I'm just going to have to stick with #2.

Happy McNally Mom said...

Alright girl this is great, I know you have done many things in your little life.
I'm with Valerie, I think 2.
I know you have been with many groups, but I don't think an Opera group was one of them.
I will miss hearing your beautiful voice at church. You are going to have to come to reno and sing for all the gamblers.

Rachel said...

My vote is #3. King and Queen of Denmark? Tea? Hmmm...

Molly said...

#2, you had other things going on in your life at that time, right? Can't wait to find out!

Stefanie said...

I'm going to guess #1 too - sounds simple enough - enough to be NOT
TRUE (you know the sneaky one)

I think I have heard Becca say that you were grew up being classically trained.

And the Queen and King thing - can't wait to hear that story if it is true.

Stefanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

HMMMM I am thinking it is number 1.

Lindsay said...

My vote is # 3... not sure why. but I'm going with it..

Fun post... I may have to try this :)

Ona said...

My guess is #1!

momaof4 said...

I will have to go with....
# 2. I think you would have brought that up in your music post...or did i forget it??

Hmmm. Darren and I love Sushi yum, that sounds really good now. Serious.