Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Great Outdoors

Why hasn't someone ever told me that it's complete and utter heaven to go camping without the kids?

Naps. Books. Quiet. Thinking. Togetherness. Nothingness. Prayer. Dreaming. Laughing. Bonding. Fireside. Talking. Wondering. Loving. Hiking. Sitting.

Then doing that all over again.


Glory Laine said...

Sounds like heaven to me!

Ona said...

Soooo jealous!

Becky said...

Great idea! Looks like a beautiful place to relax.
I do get my comments emailed to me-thanks for making some!

Rachel said...

That sounds wonderful!

Lindsay said...

HOW fun!! What a beautiful spot too! :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds perfect!

momaof4 said...

My in laws are camping junkies. Maybe that is why. They are free to do all you just said and no kids to worry about :)
I might like it that way!!!!

Stefanie said...

What a great idea! Thanks for leaving me all your wonderful comments lately:). I wanted to return the favor, but my computer is being silly and doing strange things, like not letting me comment on your blog...I'm at Mike and Pam's...

Really glad you and Ben got away! And really appreciated the cheerleading in terms of my party pooping attitude...

Molly said...

Big smiles here. I guess you can fit more than 5 girls and one baby's stuff in the back of that vehicle. He, he...just kidding. That looks so fun. I'm so happy for both of you!

Lion Heart said...

Ya I'm you guys got o go on a mini vaca! sounds like you ha fun. I look forwad to a trip like that someday!