Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Ends of the Earth

In Romans, Paul puts forth the challenge to bring the Good News "to the ends of the earth." Have you ever wondered where the "ends of the earth" is? I suppose it is relative to where on the earth you live, but as for Ben and me, we have an incredible opportunity to answer that challenge.

Evangelism has always been of the utmost importance to the two of us. Aside from the work we do here at the church, Ben has served on several short-term mission trips to North America, Central & South America, and the Philippines. My mission fields are the sidelines of our daughters' soccer games, the public school system, and other various places that life takes me. I love to take advantage of any opportunity that God places in my life.
But now, the challenge that God has put on our hearts does, in fact, seem to take us to the ends of the earth, even as soon as November 1st. We are planning to team up with the Reid Saunders Association to bring the Good News to the people of Gulu, Uganda, a small country in central Africa.
Until recently, Uganda has been ravaged by war, deeming it unsafe for a trip of this nature. But now, with the peace that prevails, the door has been flung wide open to reach these people for Christ, most of whom have never heard this Message, while at the same time, aiding them in their day-to-day life, by drilling new wells and providing much needed medical attention.

Each day of our trip will consist of medical clinics, well drilling, VBS for children, and a special conference for the local pastors of the region, giving them the necessary tools to continue the ministry there. Each night, we will be putting on an evangelistic festival, featuring puppets, music, drama and a message. I am very excited to have the opportunity to use my gifts by leading worship for these festivals. Ben will be serving as pastor to our team and helping in the training of Gulu’s local pastors.

We would feel honored if you would partner with us in this awesome challenge by committing to pray for us and the people we will be ministering to. Romans 8:31 promises that "If God is for us, who can be against us?" It is our desire to change the lives of the people of Gulu, knowing that our lives will never be the same as well.

If you are able, please commit to pray for us in the weeks to come as we prepare to depart, and then also during the two weeks that we will physically be in Uganda, Nov. 1 - 14. This is a tangible way in which we can all help fulfill the Great Commission.

Thank you so much for your support, prayers and love! God is good. All the time.


Team Johnston said...

Of course we will pray for you. God always put things in front of us to challenge us and to show our love for HIM to others.
God Bless and Safe travels,
Danielle :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I will pray for you from now until November 14th. I know that God will do great things on this trip, for the Ugandan people you meet and also in your lives and all the trip participants.

I am anxiously awaiting the inspiring stories you'll come home with.

I love your heart to serve God. You are an amazing lady.

Angela said...

YES, we will be praying for you! We have talked about Uganda so much lately. Some dear friends of ours support some orphanage's over there and if we were to adopt more children that is one place we would start looking into.
Can't wait to hear about your trip. I wish Darrin and I were going with you!

Julie said...

What a blessing this trip will be... not only for the lives you will touch in Uganda, but how it will touch your own hearts. You've been in my prayers, and will be throughout your exciting journey! :)

LizzyG said...

You were right, we were separated at birth....first our shared passion for Ebay and the '80s, and now this! Since the age of 15, when I took my first overseas missions trip to Russia, God placed in my heart such a heavy burden for the nations. God blessed me with many opportunities to travel "to the ends of the earth" and serve. Both my husband and I were involved with Youth With a Mission, and have a passion for the mission field. Jon left his heart in Haiti, and mine is in the Philippines :)
And we can't wait for the chance to go back...anywhere! There is such a great need!
Praise God for this open door! Reid Sanders has such a dynamic, effectiver ministry! I pray that God will use your gifts for His glory, and the two of you will be the vessels He needs to reach the lost in Uganda! This is just awesome, and my rambling is getting the best of me!

Valerie of Momia said...

Yes! I am committing to praying for you and your team! What a great opportunity.

Lara said...

Hey Sharon,

I am praying for you definitely. My World Vision girl is from Uganda (Gulu) Her name is Peace Alam and she is 6 or 7 years old now. = ) I also have a friend from there. I'll try to find out his info and email you.

Lion Heart said...

Yay Sharon! This is Awesome! I just wrote a little story about my mission. I was anxious to share after I read the story on Uganda in the outreach outlook newsletter at our church.I have always thought it would be so great to go on such a mission as this. I'm so excited for you! I will be praying for you, Ben and the rest of your team.