Saturday, March 29, 2008

Conception by Licking

This past Monday, my darling Greta's eyes were opened just a little bit more.

As we were driving to a friend's house in Keizer, she spied what she thought to be a cute, playful moment between two adorable little dogs.

"Mom! It's so cute! There's these two dogs, one bigger than the other, and the smaller one put its front two paws on the bigger one's back and started licking its back! Isn't that so sweet?"

"Um," I searched for words, "I think they're, um, they're doin' the tango, if you know what I'm sayin'."

"Huh?" Greta asked.

"They're having sex, Greta," came the blunt, knowledgeable reply from Gabby.

"What? Don't they have to be lying down to do that?"

"No. That's how most animals have to do it," I explained.

Greta thought for a moment, then asked,

"By licking each other?"


Valerie of Momia said...

THAT'S WHY I LOVE GRETA!! Her sweet innocence is wonderful!

Valerie of Momia said...

Welcome back! Your presence has been missed! :)

Ona said...

Well come on...that's how I have two daughters;) That's pretty funny!!!

Lindsay said...

Thanks for the laugh & the smile that hasn't left my face since reading this 15 minutes ago :)

Anonymous said...

Oh lovely!

Lara said...

Halleluia for innocence!!

Stefanie said...

LOL! That's so funny! I'd love to hear someday how you teach that subject (I know it isn't a one time deal)...good to start thinking about it!

So loved seeing you on my blog comments. Yes, love roller coasters!

Unknown said...

Too cute and funny! I've missed your posts!!

momaof4 said...

Love it!!!

Thanks for the big laugh. Now you just have to tell her about the new coffee place on commecial :)

Not the donkey one.....

Rachel said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I love it! Glad to see you're back!

Hosmerita said...

This may be too much info, but if the 2am "knock at the door" included being licked on the back I might deck him as well as throwing the "Are you kidding me, go to sleep!" comment at him!

Lion Heart said...

i'm not even joking for a long time i thought you got pregnant from kissing! i didn't have my first real kiss till 8th grade, after i went through sex ed which taught me you clearly couldn't get pregnant from kissing. it was then i learned you only got pregnant from licking. at least thats whats happened each time adams licked me.

very cute post!

jeff said...

Ooooh, she's gonna get you for this post in a few years... :)

Innocence is so nice... and too soon gone.