The other day, I quickly snatched a paper towel from the roll hanging beneath my kitchen cabinets. In my haste, the towel did not tear perfectly along the perforation. I suddenly found myself in a battle between good and evil. Everything in my being was screaming at me to rid the roll of the remaining square inch corner of paper towel still clinging to life. But yet another part of me set forth the challenge: Leave it. You can do it.
No. I couldn't. I was physically unable to leave the kitchen knowing that my paper towel roll was not left perfectly torn.
Now, before some of you come to me with arguments of OCD, I can assure you it is not. I know people with OCD. This is simply a pet peeve of mine, like improper use of a car's turn signal. Please let me know that you're turning, but please remember to turn your signal off once you have.
Do you have an odd or wacky pet peeve? I'd love to hear it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Pet Peeves
A Prose of
published at
8:06 AM
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I am so very, very, very far from being a neat freak (just ask those gals who've been to my house!!), but pet peeves and being a neat freak do not necessarily go hand in hand. I have several pet peeves.
First of all, if you're going to hang clothes in a closet, by all means do it right! (And by right I mean the way I prefer it, of course!) Have all the shirts either facing to the left or to the right (preferably to right).
Secondly, when crossing the street, press the signal button once. Go ahead! Give it one goooood push. But please, do not stand there pressing it over and over again incessantly.
Thirdly, when replacing the toilet paper, make sure that the paper hangs OVER the top. (I get a lot of practice replacing toilet paper.)
Fouthly, do not even think about driving around with your doors unlocked! I like 'em locked as soon as everyone's in the car. Actually, no. Sooner. As soon as all the doors have been opened, they can, no should!, be locked.
Fifthly, the front door of my house must be locked. At all times. And yes, I usually have the bottom locked prior to even closing the door. (Like you even had to ask!!)
I beleive I am the source of much internal anguish for many people as I am a walking pet peeve. I am sure of it. For example, I'm sure it bugs people that I don't stand up straight (hey, if you were carrying what I'm carrying, you probably wouldn't either! I bite my lips, bite/tear my finger nails, crack my knuckles, don't iron my clothes...oh, the list goes on. I'm such a mess. It's amazing I have friends!!! :)
I can’t stand it when the toilet paper unrolls from underneath. I have to change it, even if I'm at someone else's house. It must unroll from the top.
Amen "Glory Laine", it must roll from the top.
Okay, Miss Sharon! I just found your counter! How the heck did you get 1,488 hits in just over two months??? Are you paying people to visit your blog ;) I have a very plain Jane blog. But if I got a counter today, you know what it would say next week? Probably 4. ;) Well, whoever's visiting your blog isn't visiting your profile page. I just checked it. It said "96". I hit refresh. "97".
Oh, Sharon. Whatever you touch turns to gold. Including your blog. Heh-heh!
Hmmm...I have a huge pet peeve in things that run out. For instance, if I were to run out of milk and not have some at my disposal, I would be very upset.
However, I do like to use the last of something and throw the carton away (as long as I have the replacement item handy of course). I get an odd joy out of finishing food or bath items and replacing them with the new one.
Leaving the windshield wipers on after the rain has stopped is another big one! Yes, Jason, I'm talking to YOU, and you know it.
Next, the feeling of styrofoam and the sound it makes as it breaks sends shivers down my spine. I HATE that.
Okay, I just checked my toilet paper and it rolls from the bottom....ha ha ha!
I have several pe peeves, too. One of them is hair on the bathroom floor. Actually, this IS my biggest pet peeve. Everyday after I'm done getting ready, it has to be swept up. If not, it drives me CRAZY!!
I'm an over the top kind of girl when it comes to toilet paper, too!!
Don't all panic, next time I'm at Leslie's I'll take care of the toilet paper roll. Now everyone just relax!
Big pet peeve of mine, not mentioned yet, is spots on the faucet. The kitchen (or bathroom) is just not clean if there are water spots on the faucet.
I've noticed that many (not all) of our pet peeves have had to do with running a household. We all have very definite opinions on how a house should be run. I want to be a type B personality, but God didn't wire me that way. It will be a lifetime goal to learn to just "let it go." I too can not have the TP coming from under - it must be over! I too have changed it at others homes - UGH! I will erase and rewrite notes that don't look right - even when I'm doodling. I've tried to leave it but it peeves me! Water behind the sink (soaking into the caulking) and turning into an experiment. I like everything around the sink completely dry! Again, I have been known to wipe down at a friends house if I think it looks to wet and messy. Obviously, I come with some quirks!
I am not worried about the TP AS LONG as it is even there!!!
I don't like water spots on the sink...I wash them off. I even did it at Noah's Bagels on 23rd the other day....sad.
Unfinished projects...always on my mind, no matter how LONG it may have will bug me.
I agree with Valerie's!
2,4,and 5.
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