Tuesday, June 12, 2007

2nd Intermission

I received something very exciting in the mail the other day. It was something I had ordered on E-bay and I was delighted to find it in my mailbox.

I could not, however, open it first. I never can. For some reason, I always arrange my mail from least exciting to most exciting. I toss all the junk, open all the bills, decipher the questionable, and then finally open the good stuff: personal notes, cards and things I've ordered.

I have no idea why I do that, I just do. It got me thinking: What's the norm? How do you guys open your mail? Do you dig right into the good stuff or save the best for last?

What kind of mail-opener are you? I think it reveals a bit about people's personalities.

What did I order from E-bay? I bet there's a few of you out there that could accurately guess!


Lion Heart said...

First I throw away all obvious junk mail. Then its right to the "good stuff". Wednesdays are my bill paying days so I just hold off at taking a peak until I know I can actaually sit down and apply them to our budget with out interruptions. Sometimes I do get rather anxious and open up the boring stuff early but usually I can hold off.

momaof4 said...

I haven't thought about it! Darren gets the mail most days and goes through it, Drives me crazy!! I want to see too.

I will pick up the mail if I notice a key is gone out of the BIG boxes...you never know!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you got either music, books, homeschool materials, or sexy lingerie :)

I throw the junk out, separate into home and business. Then I put the business mail into my 'inbox' to open when I'm working on business stuff. Open the home bills and such. I put those in the home bill pile.

THEN, open the good stuff.

I'm so way boring!

Julie said...

Leslie ... I think I am way more boring than you think you are. I don't even get the mail. If Mark is gone, it'll just stack up in the box until he goes and gets it! If I'm around when he brings it in ... I go right to the good stuff and let him go through the rest!

What did you get, Share? I'm curious!

Julie said...

Leslie ... I think I am way more boring than you think you are. I don't even get the mail. If Mark is gone, it'll just stack up in the box until he goes and gets it! If I'm around when he brings it in ... I go right to the good stuff and let him go through the rest!

What did you get, Share? I'm curious!

Glory Laine said...

I do the same Lest to Best. And make a pile for Matt. My guess. . . a ring watch!

HappyMomma2 said...

I so agree with Becca-it was definately a ring watch. Or it could have possibly been a very beautiful dress used only for special occasions.

I open mail from worst to best. I really like getting the mail. It is fun and I look forward to whats in it.

Lara said...

I go right to the best. Brian can have the bills. = ) Are you going to let us know what you got?

Sharon said...

Julz, of all people, should have correctly guessed my e-bay purchase and I quickly sent off an e-mail of how dissappointed I was. ; ) But to her defense, she knows me SO well, that she knew I had just received a new ring watch last month and she didn't think "the other day" could possibly mean that far back. Well, yes, it did, as a matter of fact! I've been meaning to post about my quirky mail opening behavior ever since I opened my latest adorable ring watch last month!

Abby & Becca~you totally came through for me! : )

Alida said...

I have to ring in on this. I throw out all the junk, separate the bills, but don't open them and then open any personal stuff for me and put Sergio's mail (unopened) on his desk. The only exception is every other Thursday, he gets his paycheck stub. It's opened first. (even if his name is on it, and he works for the post office and it's a CRIME.)

There you have it, I'm a criminal.(but only twice a month)